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GEN Z and GEN ALPHA are changing the way football is consumed and will change the relationship between club, brand and fan forever.  To reach and meaningfully engage them needs a new way.  That way is Web3.0.

Web3.0 is made for football.  Crypto, less so.  In fact we are NOT fans of Crypto.  But the blockchain technology which powers Crypto and all of Web3 can bring the football fan experience to life like never before and build deeper stronger relationships between fans, clubs, associations and brands.  Communities with purpose.  Digital products with utility.  Fandom with reward.  Whether it's Tokenomics, Collectables, Gamification, Participation, Content Consumption, Experiences or the future of ticketing and events, Web3.0 and football fandom go hand in glove.

But it's not just a leap into the unknown for most in sport, it's a new world with massive rewards if they get it right, but with real risk if they get it wrong.

football3.0 by RSX Sports is our brand-new service designed specifically to help football clubs, national teams and associations to first of all navigate the web3 universe safely and to then use and unleash it to its full potential and to their great reward.  We've spent the last 3 years deep down the web3.0 rabbit hole, learning and understanding the landscape, working with the brands in this space, building relationships with the key thought leaders and even building and testing blockchain powered products and worlds.


Web3.0 isn't just made for football, football is made for web3.0, this means that clubs, national teams and associations could be bombarded by brands in this space, eager to benefit from the football fan universe and, with one eye on future IPO, not always putting football or its fans first, or doing right by football.  That's where we come in, to help you navigate the minefield, to help football's decisions makers make the right decisions, not just those with the promise of untold riches or upfront cash.

And now, through our sister company, Player One Sports, we can help sports revolutionise Fan Engagement and create Sustainable New Revenue Streams with our interactive, immersive, gamified and photorealistic metaverse products, powered by (safe) web3, Ai and Augmented Reality.

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Fan Behaviour

Fan Safety

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The future of engaging and understanding fans is here, providing limitless opportunities for clubs and associations to strengthen and deepen the relationships with those upon whom they depend.   Football3.0 

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Community Engagement and Management

Web3.0 provides football clubs and national teams unparalleled opportunities to engage fans, reward them with exclusive experiences and to give them a voice.

Even better, it allows them to create deeper, more meaningful relationships with their fans than is possible in any other medium.


Attention Economy

Football competes, not only with other sports, but a whole world of content for the attention of its audience.  Web3 allows for storytelling which is open, dynamic and unique, attracting new fandom and deepening engagement.  And it allows clubs, national teams and associations opportunities to be really creative and innovative in how they communicate to and engage with fans.

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Web3.0 powered Social Tokens can excite fans through Tokenised experiences and interactions, providing real value to fandom, if they are safe and have real intrinsic value - and not the future financial value, forget about financial gain and speculation, keep it to the things that football fans covet and treasure most. Premium content, AMAs (Ask Me Anythings), predictor games, missions and more increase engagement, reward fandom and give deeper insight into how fans feel, while chances to WIN Tokens encourages more fan engagement and participation.  In turn, Tokens are a way for fans to unlock truly unique, exclusive content, 'money can't buy' experiences and products.

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Digital Assets

Football Clubs and National Associations are the custodians of heroes, legends and the moments that matter, as well as the things which bring fans together, create community and identify us as loyal followers.  From the current first team squad to the icons of yesteryear, from the best goal ever scored to the winning of the cup, and from the kits and the badge to the very place where the magic happens.  All of these are assets which can be digitised and sole to create new revenue or distributed to recognise and reward fandom.  

You've heard of these as NFTs, get to know them as Collectables Rewards or Digital Media On Chain.  Web3.0 allows clubs and national teams to optimise their digital potential, control the narrative and give fans utility and recognition, safely and with trust, and without fear, cynicism or agenda.  Forget about investment, profit, future value and speculators - NFTs can a fun way to engage and reward fans, or give them exclusive access, affordably, even free, and for fun.

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Web3.0 powers the new interactive digital universe; the Metaverse.  A digital world of Extended Reality (XR), where the virtual world and physical world meet through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).   The place where fans, clubs, national teams and even sponsors can truly come together in meaningful and rewarding engagement.

It's where fans meet fans in 24/7 conversation, where fans' voices can be heard and recognised and where clubs and national teams can take a 24/7 pulse check.

It's a world of play, of interaction and participation.  A world where the physical reality becomes digital, whether it's stadiums, club shops or fully kitted out fan avatars.  It's a world of limitless possibilities, unforgettable experiences and unparalleled engagement.  Where the physical and digital can cross over and combine, where match programmes can come to life and take fans to club stores or sponsors ads, and where connected merchandise and kit can unlock exclusive digital experiences.  Football, more than any other sport or industry, is tailor made for the Metaverse.

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Creator Economy

Web3.0 is tailor-made for the creator-led world we live in, where everyone can create, engage and monetise.  Blockchain allows players, managers and fans to be the creators on a club or national team's own platform, where paywalls and sponsorship opportunities abound, creating revenue for you and them, not the social media brands.

As reaction to the European Super League showed, fans are as influential and powerful as they've ever been, with fan influencers followed by millions on social media and YouTube.  Web3.0 provides the platform for clubs and national teams to allow the fan voice to flourish and fan influencers to be created.

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Convert Social Fans

Clubs and National Teams have sizeable social media audiences, even greater when Player audiences are aggregated in, but with limited engagement and monetisation opportunities.  Who really benefits?  Meta, Twitter, Snap, TikTok, that's who.  Web3.0 allows rightsholders to easily convert a social following into a bona fide community which engages and participates, offering up new revenue and sponsorship opportunities social media just can't.

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Understanding fan behaviour is critical not only to effective monetisation of brand and rights but in making the right decisions.  Web3.0 provides deep and valuable insight into how fans feel, what's important to them and the decisions they make.  Clubs and national teams can use this behavioural data to make the best decisions and to add real value to sponsorship.

Web3.0 is a world of wonder, with incredible opportunities and benefits, but, like any world, there are dangers, especially to the ends users, the fans.  Already, we have seen fan pushback against web3.0 because of the practices of a few bad actors and some bad business models.  In these cases its the fans who get burned, losing money or having worthless tokens or assets, but it's the club, national team or association who gets the blowback and shoulders the blame.

Football3.0 helps to de-risk web3.0 to protect fans and the relationships they have with those they support.  We help with communication and education, and with creating completely safe web3.0 experiences for fan utility, which benefits only those who matter, not shady brands or speculators.

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